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Freeze Game - Listening Activity


With this game, you can add some fun and movement to your day. All that is required is a music player–radio, a music or video streaming website, or a stereo–and a few willing bodies. This game is simple, can be played in small spaces, and is enjoyable to play repeatedly.

Content Standard:
- 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Learning Standard:
- 1.2.4 Understand longer supported classroom instructions. 

Length of Activity:  10 minutes or more
Developmental Goal:  To increase aerobic fitness through ongoing dance
Equipment:  Music player

Before you start: 
- Set aside an open space that is free of obstacles. If there are any objects that cannot be moved, point them out and remind everyone not to touch another person or object.
- Prepare the radio or music player with a suitable station or music selection.

How to Play?
- Everyone in this activity dances to the music.
- When the music stops, each player must immediately freeze and remain in that position until the music resumes.
- If a player does not immediately freeze, they perform 10 jumping jacks at the start of the next round before rejoining the dance.
- Because this is an aerobic game, it is best if players do not "out."

- Assign a lookout to each player and have them choose a unique dance move. When the music stops, they demonstrate the move for everyone; at the start of the next round, the group tries the new move.
- Rather than having players do 10 jumping jacks, have them do something else, such as push-ups, a balance challenge, or acting as a DJ.


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